Descriptions of the fields in the barriers feature class.
Stream identifier
Corresponds to the GOID of the nearby river. For the model to recognize on which river the barrier is located, each dam must have the correct GOID value (i.e., the GOID that corresponds to the GOID of the river reach).
Network identifier
Corresponds to the NOID of the nearby river. The value in this field should match the NOID value of the river reach in the streams feature class where the barrier is located.
Storage capacity of the reservoir in million cubic meters (mcm)
Dams to include
A binary field (0 or 1) indicating whether to include the barrier (value = 1) or exclude the barrier (value = 0) from the analysis.
Upstream discharge range factor
Upstream discharge range factor
Hydrological Basin name
Based on HydroSHEDS original basins.
Hydrological Basin identifier
An integer identifying the hydrological basin the barrier is in. Values should be the same as the BAS_ID for the river the barrier is in.
Barrier identifier
An integer identifying the barrier.
Barrier Name
Provides the name of the barrier, if available.
Type of barrier
Indicates the type of barrier (e.g., irrigation, hydropower, water supply, etc.).
The longitude of the barrier.
The latitude of the barrier.
Stage of development
Indicates whether the barrier is existing (value = ST1), under construction (value = ST2), or planned to be constructed (value = ST3).
River order
The river order of the stream where the barrier is located. The values in this field should match the values of the field in the streams feature class for the river reach where the barrier is located.
Long-term average discharge
The long-term average discharge measured in cubic metres per second.
Lake identifier
An integer identifying the lake/reservoir associated with the barrier. The identifier for the lake/reservoir should match lake feature class.
Power capacity in megawatts
The power capacity of the barrier measured in megawatts. Can be used as an alternative to storage volume (STOR_MCM) if storage volume is unavailable. Based on the power of the dam, a rough estimate of reservoir size can be derived.
Year of construction
The year the dam was constructed.
Status of development
Indicates whether the barrier is existing (value = EXI), under construction (value = CON), or planned to be constructed (value = PLA).
Alternative dams to include
A different dam inclusion field for running the analysis with a different set of barriers. In this case, INC1 includes existing dams only. Can be used to calculate new values for testing different scenarios.
Alternative dams to include
A different dam inclusion field for running the analysis with a different set of barriers. In this case, INC2 includes existing dams and dams that are under construction. Can be used to calculate new values for testing different scenarios.
Alternative dams to include
A different dam inclusion field for running the analysis with a different set of barriers. In this case, INC3 includes existing dams, under construction dams, and planned dams. Can be used to calculate new values for testing different scenarios.
GRAND identifier
The GRAND database identifier.
KCL database identifier
The KCL database identifier
Zarfl identifier
The zarfl database identifier.
Data Source
Indicates the source of the data.
Backbone river identifier
An integer identifying on which river the barrier is located. The values in this field should match the values in the streams feature class for the river the barrier is located on.
River length in kilometres
The length of the river in kilometres. The values in this field should match the values in the streams feature class for the river the barrier is located on.
The region where the barrier is located.
The name of the field holding the storage capacity of the dam in million cubic meters (MCM). The name of the field can be different since the user specifies the desired field in the .
Upstream discharge range factor values to be applied when calculating degree of fragmentation using dam-level discharge range factors. The name of the field can be different since the user specifies the desired field in the .
Downstream discharge range factor values to be applied when calculating degree of fragmentation using dam-level discharge range factors. The name of the field can be different since the user specifies the desired field in the .