5 Results & Interpretation
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A results folder is created in the output folder specified in the “Path Settings”. The time stamp for when the tool was run is appended to the results folder to differentiate the results of separate runs of the tool. The file structure of the results folder is described below and shown in Figure 5.1.
STAT: This folder contains the tabular results of the analysis in an excel workbook. See the Tabular Data section below for further details regarding these results.
STATS_CSI: This folder contains a stats_csi.dbf file. This table contains descriptive statistics of the CSI values produced from the different scenarios. These statistics can be used to conduct a sensitivity analysis. See the methodology section of the research article (Grill et al., 2018) for further details.
CSI.gdb: This file geodatabase contains the spatial data results of the analysis. See the Spatial Data section below for further details regarding the spatial data results.
ArcMap Document (.mxd): For each scenario conducted in the analysis, an ArcMap document is created in the results folder to display the results visually. See the ArcMap Document section below for further details.
config_[stamp].xls: This excel file is the config file created from running the analysis. The config file is stored with the results to document the files and parameter settings used to create the results. The date and time stamp for when the tool was run is appended to the file name to associate the config file with the results. Additionally, the config file can be used in the “Auto-populate parameters using config excel sheet (optional)” parameter to auto-populate the tool’s parameters to rerun the analysis or make minor adjustments and run a new analysis with modifications.
In the STAT subfolder of the results, an excel workbook file is created to store the tabular data from the analysis. Each sheet of the workbook provides different statics and insight into the analysis. Each sheet and the values presented are described in further detail in this section.
Global_stats: This sheet provides statistics regarding the river reaches included in the analysis. Each row of the sheet corresponds to one scenario. Each column of the Global_stats sheet is explained below.
Scenario columns: The first 18 columns of the sheet are a duplicate of the scenario parameters used when running the tool. This is to serve as documentation for the scenario settings.
Sce_name: The name of the scenario that the results are associated with.
Count_reaches: The total number of river reaches considered in the analysis.
Count_reaches_affected: The number of river reaches affected by a loss of connectivity.
Perc_reaches_affected: The percent of affected river reaches out of all reaches considered in the analysis.
Mean_CSI: The mean connectivity status index.
Count_nff: The number of river reaches that were not free flowing.
Perc_nff: The percent of non-free-flowing river reaches out of the total number of river reaches in the analysis.
Bench_match: The number of benchmark rivers that the model determined to be free-flowing.
Global_dom: This sheet provides the number of river reaches in the entire input streams dataset impacted by the different pressure indicators. Each row corresponds to a dominant pressure indicator in one scenario. Each column of the Global_dom sheet is explained below.
Stamp: The date and time stamp of when the tool was initialized.
Sce_name: The name of the scenario that the results are associated with.
Pressure: Identifies the dominant pressure.
Number of reaches: The number of impacted reaches where the associated pressure is the dominant pressure.
Bench_dom: This sheet reports on the model’s performance with regards to the benchmark rivers. If the model produces results indicating a benchmark river is not free flowing, information for the benchmark river will be provided on this sheet. Each row of the sheet corresponds to a pressure indicator impacting the reaches of a benchmark river. Each column of the Bench_dom sheet is explained below.
Stamp: The date and time stamp of when the tool was initialized.
Sce_name: The name of the scenario that the results are associated with.
FFR_ID: The benchmark river identifier.
Rivername: The name of the benchmark river.
Pressure: The dominant pressure for 1 or more impacted reaches of the benchmark river.
Number of reaches: The number of impacted reaches of the benchmark river.
Source: The source that identified the benchmark river as a free-flowing river (e.g., an expert or research article).
River_stats_1: This sheet provides the results for rivers. The rivers are grouped based on river length categories and free-flowing status. A variety of statistics are provided for the rivers in each river length category. Each column of the River_stats_1 sheet is explained below.
CON_ID: An integer identifying the continent where the rivers are located.
LCAT: The length category of the rivers (10 = rivers between 10 km – 100 km; 100 = rivers between 100 km – 500 km; 500 = rivers between 500 km – 1000 km; 1000 = rivers longer than 1000 km).
CAT_FFR: The free-flowing river category (1 = free-flowing ; 3 = non-free-flowing).
SCE: The name of the scenario that the results are associated with.
VOLUME_TCM: The total volume of the rivers measured in thousand cubic metres.
LENGTH_KM: The total length of rivers.
NUM: The number of rivers.
BB_OCEAN: The number of rivers that are connected to the ocean.
River_stats_2: This sheet is very similar to River_stats_1, however, an additional free-flowing river category has been added: good status. This additional category was added to identify rivers that are no longer free-flowing but have some long stretches that maintain good connectivity. Each row corresponds to a river length category. Each column of the River_stats_2 sheet is explained below.
CON_ID: An integer identifying the continent where the rivers are located.
LCAT: The length category of the rivers (10 = rivers between 10 km – 100 km; 100 = rivers between 100 km – 500 km; 500 = rivers between 500 km – 1000 km; 1000 = rivers longer than 1000 km).
CAT_FFR: The free-flowing river category (1 = free-flowing ; 2 = good connectivity status; 3 = non-free-flowing).
SCE: The name of the scenario that the results are associated with.
VOLUME_TCM: The total volume of the rivers measured in thousand cubic metres.
LENGTH_KM: The total length of rivers.
NUM: The number of rivers.
BB_OCEAN: The number of rivers that are connected to the ocean.
River_stats_good: This sheet provides results describing the rivers with good connectivity status (i.e., rivers that are considered non-free-flowing, but with long stretches that maintain good connectivity). The rivers are grouped into length categories and information regarding each length category is provided. Each row corresponds to a river length category. Each column is described below.
CON_ID: An integer identifying the continent where the rivers are located.
LCAT: The length category (10 = rivers between 10 km – 100 km; 100 = rivers between 100 km – 500 km; 500 = rivers between 500 km – 1000 km; 1000 = rivers longer than 1000 km).
SCE: The scenario name.
VOLUME_TCM: The volume of rivers measured in thousand cubic metres.
LENGTH_KM: The length of rivers measured in kilometres.
NUM: The number of rivers.
List_of_FFRs_###: This sheet provides a list of free-flowing rivers and some additional information about the rivers. Only free-flowing rivers that are longer than the min_length parameter specified in the General Settings are reported on this sheet. The min_length value is appended to the end of the sheet name (i.e., the min length value replaces the “###” in the sheet name “List_of_FFRs_###”) to indicate what min_length value was specified as a cut off. Each row represents a river. Each column is described below.
SCE: The name of the scenario that the results are associated with.
CON_ID: An integer identifying the continent where the rivers are located.
BAS_NAME: The basin name where the river is located.
BB_ID: An integer value identifying the river.
BB_NAME: The name of the river.
LENGTH_KM: The length of the river in kilometres.
RIV_ORD: The river order.
BB_OCEAN: A binary field indicating whether river is connected to the ocean (value = 1) or not connected to the ocean (value = 2).
The results are also created in the form of a line feature class, stored in the CSI.gdb. For each scenario a separate line feature class is created in the geodata base. These feature classes contain all the fields from the input streams feature class specified in the Path Settings as well as six additional fields that contain the results of the CSI analysis. The fields containing the results of the CSI are described below.
CSI: The connectivity status index values calculated for the scenario the data is associated with. Values can range from 0 – 100.
CSI_D: The dominant pressure index if the river reaches connectivity is impacted (i.e., CSI less than 100).
CSI_FF: A binary field indicating if the river reach is free-flowing (value = 1) or not free-flowing (value = 0).
CSI_FF1: Indicates if the river is free-flowing (value = 1) or not free-flowing (value = 3).
CSI_FF2: Indicates if the river is free-flowing (value = 1), has good connectivity status (value = 2), or is not free-flowing (value = 3). Good connectivity status indicates that a river is not free flowing but has large segments that are considered free-flowing.
CSI_FFID: The free-flowing river identifier.
Lastly, for each scenario an ArcMap document (.mxd) is created in the results folder using the scenario name and time stamp. The ArcMap documents contain the input and output geodata used in the analysis with symbology applied to intuitively display the results graphically. Each layer of the ArcMap document is described in further detail below.
The MAP CSI layer displays the Connectivity Status Index values for the river reaches included in the analysis (Figure 5.2). The symbology values assume a CSI threshold of 95%, but the symbology can be adjusted by the user if desired. The MAP CSI layer is a layer group containing 10 layers, each corresponding to the river order. The colour symbology is applied using the same categories across the 10 layers, but the width of the line segments is greater for larger river reaches.
The Barriers layer is a layer group containing two layers: Included Barriers and Excluded Barriers (Figure 5.3). These layers apply the same size symbology with larger symbols representing barriers with a greater storage volume (field: STOR_MCM). However, different colours are applied to the barriers that were included in the analysis (orange) and barriers that were excluded from the analysis (grey) based on the barrier inclusion field specified in the General Settings when the tool was run.
There are two MAP DOM layer groups: MAP DOM – IMP and MAP DOM – ALL. These layers groups display the dominant pressure indicators for the river reaches (Figure 5.4). MAP DOM – IMP displays only the impacted rivers reaches (rivers with a CSI below the CSI threshold) and their dominant pressure indicator. MAP DOM – ALL displays all the river reaches and the dominant pressure indicator. The symbology is applied the same across the MAP DOM – IMP and MAP DOM – ALL, with different colours corresponding to the dominant pressure indicators and the width of the line segments representing the size of the river reaches.
MAP FFR STATUS is a layer group that indicates river reaches that are classified as free flowing, having good connectivity status, or impacted (Figure 5.5). The colour symbology of this layer varies based on connectivity category and length of the river. Impacted reaches are in red, good connectivity status reaches are in green, and free-flowing reaches are in blue. The saturation of the colour decreases as river length decreases. The width of the line segments is greater for larger river reaches.
The Benchmark Rivers layer displays the benchmark rivers feature class that was provided in the “Path Settings” (Figure 5.6).
The pressure indicator layers (i.e., MAP DOF, MAP DOR, MAP SED, MAP USE, MAP URB, and MAP RRD) display the values for each indicator that was specified for use in the CSI calculations (Figure 5.7).